Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Schedule Changes for Ballet Utah 2 and Ballet Utah 3: GMA Building Conflict Resolution

Unfortunately, due to a building conflict, we will not be able to use the GMA building on Friday afternoons for Ballet Utah 2 classes. Hopefully, what we have worked out for the Lehi studio will be pleasing to all of the students. We try to get finished as early as possible on Fridays to allow family time.

BU2 and BU3 at the Lehi Studio: Starting Friday, September 5: 
3:45-4:45 Barre/class together (BU2 and BU3) in large studio: Sam teaches, Sophia demonstrates and assists (Large studio) 

4:45-5:15 BU2 choreography (with Sam)
4:45-5:15 BU3 goes into small room for prep pointe class (with Sophia)

5:15-5:45 BU3 goes into large studio for choreography
5:15-5:45 BU2: Sam has option of keeping BU2 in the small studio for pointe work or dismissing at 5:15. He will communicate with parents about when class will end each week. 

5:45-6:30 Jazz class (taught by Sophia) 

Ballet Utah 2: Important Note: 
We made some changes with the Ballet Utah's company schedule and are now able to offer a Ballet 7 and 8 class on Thursday evenings 5:30-7:00 at the GMA building. (You must be en pointe for 6 months to attend. This class is only offered to Ballet Utah and second year Ballet Utah 2 dancers who have been en pointe for the required 6 months.) This is an advanced class. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Lehi Jazz Companies (Company Class Listings and Recommended Classes) Sapphire, Ruby, JDC

There have been slight changes in the schedule.  The schedule is updated. Check your required class times against the schedule on the blog. 

SAPPHIRE Jazz Company 

Requirements: One company class, one ballet (two recommended), one jazz class

Company Classes

Thursday 7:00-9:30 GMA
3rd Saturday 7:30-10:30

Recommended Classes to Meet Requirements:

Advanced Ballet:
Monday 2:30-3:45: Ballet 6/7 with Phyllis (must be 11 by Dec 1) (Lehi studio)
Wednesday 6:15-7:30 Ballet 8/pointe class (GMA) 
Wednesday 4:00-5:30 Carrie Wright Ballet 6/7 (30 min pointe 5-5:30)
Wednesday 8:00-9:30 (OREM) Advanced Adult Class (not a performance class)

Jazz: Advanced Options:
Monday 6:45-8:00 (ages 12 and up) GMA: Kassi
TENTATIVE: Tuesday 7:30-8:45 (ages 12+) (GMA)
TENTATIVE: Wednesday Lyrical Jazz: 6:45-7:45 GMA
TENTATIVE: Wednesday Advanced Jazz 7:45-9:00 (ages 13+)

RUBY Jazz Company

Requirements: one company class, one ballet class (two ballet classes recommended), one jazz class

Company Classes

Tuesday 5:15-7:00 (LEHI)
2nd Saturday 8-10:30 (LEHI)

Recommended Classes to Meet Requirements:

Monday 2:30-3:45: Ballet 6/7 with Phyllis (must be 11 by Dec 1) (Lehi studio)
Monday 3:45-4:45 Ballet 5 R.A.D. With Carrie Wright-also meets Wednesday, “fast track style”
TENTATIVE Tuesday 7:00-8:00 Ballet 5 and 6 (after Ruby)
Wednesday 4:00-5:30 Carrie Wright Ballet 6/7 (30 min pointe 5-5:30)
Wednesday 4:30-6:00 Carrie Wright Fast Track Ballet 5 (30 min pre-pointe 4:30-5:00) (also Monday)
Thursday 5:45-6:45 Ballet 5 and 6 with Lynne

Jazz Options:
Monday 6:45-8:00 (ages 12 and up) GMA: Kassi
Wednesday 6:15-7:15 (LEHI)
Wednesday 7:15-8:15 Lyrical Jazz (GMA)
TENTATIVE Thursday: 6:45-7:45 Jazz (ages 10 plus) (LEHI)
Friday: 5:45-6:45 Jazz (LEHI studio)

Jazz Dance Company (JDC)

Requirements: one company class, one ballet, one “technique” class (second ballet or jazz class)

Company Classes

Monday 5:30-6:30 JDC

Recommended Classes to Meet Requirements:

Ballet Classes:
Recommended: Monday and Thursday: JDC Fast Track Bundle with Trina Weeks ($99)
Monday 4:30 or 4:45-5:30 Ballet 3 and 4
Thursday 4:30-5:30 Ballet 3 and 4

One ballet class: Level 3 or 4 (see Lehi Schedule)

Jazz Classes
Leaps and Turns Friday 5:30-5:45, Jazz Friday 5:45-6:45 (ages 9+)
Wednesday 6:15-7:15

Ballet Companies Required and Recommended Classes (Ballet Utah III, Ballet Utah II, Ballet Utah-North) for LEHI Companies

There have been slight changes in the schedule.  The schedule is updated. Check your required class times against the schedule on the blog. 

Ballet Utah III (North)

Requirements: One company class, One ballet, One jazz class
(prep pointe/pointe class highly recommended)

Company Classes
Friday 4:00-5:45 Company Class (Lehi)

Recommended Classes to Meet Requirements:

Monday 2:30-3:45 Ballet 6/7 (Must be 11 by Dec 1)
Monday 3:45-4:45 

Ballet 5 R.A.D. With Carrie Wright-also meets Mon/Wed, “fast track style”

TENTATIVE Tuesday 7:00-8:00 Ballet 5 and 6 (after Ruby)

Wednesday 4:00-5:30 Carrie Wright Ballet 6/7 (30 min pointe 5-5:30)

Wednesday 4:30-6:00 Carrie Wright Fast Track Ballet 5 (30 min pre-pointe 4:30-5:00)

Thursday 5:45-6:45 Ballet 5 and 6 with Lynne

Wednesday 6:15-7:15 LEHI

TENTATIVE Thursday 6:45-7:45 LEHI

Friday 5:30-6:45 (5:30-5:45 leaps and turns; 5:45-6:45 Jazz with BU2) LEHI

Ballet Utah II (North)

Requirements: Two company classes, one ballet (2 recommended for apprentices), One pointe, One jazz class

Company Classes

Wednesday: 5:15-6:45 (GMA)

Friday: 3:15-5:30 (GMA)

4th Saturday (8-10:30): (LEHI studio)

Recommended Classes to Meet Requirements:

Monday 2:30-3:45: Ballet 6/7 with Phyllis (must be 11 by Dec 1) (Lehi studio)

Monday 3:45-4:45 Ballet 5 R.A.D. With Carrie Wright-also meets Wednesday, “fast track style”

TENTATIVE Tuesday 7:00-8:00 Ballet 5 and 6 (after Ruby)

Wednesday 6:15-7:30 Ballet 8 (IF NOT ON Ballet Utah, must get permission from PHYLLIS) (GMA)
Wednesday 4:00-5:00 Ballet 6 and 7

Thursday 5:45-6:45 Ballet 5 and 6

Jazz Options:
Tuesday 7:30-8:45 ADVANCED Jazz (GMA)
Wednesday 6:45-7:45 Lyrical Jazz (GMA)
TENTATIVE Thursday: 6:45-7:45 Jazz (ages 10 plus) (LEHI)
Friday: 5:45-6:45 Jazz (LEHI studio, Volunteer mom to drive from GMA to Lehi)

Ballet Utah (North)

Requirements: Three company classes, one extra advanced ballet, one jazz class

Company Classes: All to be held at GMA Building in Lehi

Monday: 4:00-6:45 (Phyllis)
Tuesday: 4:30-6:30 (Phyllis)
Thursday: 5:30-7:00
2nd Saturday: Springville
4th Saturday: GMA in Lehi

Recommended Classes to Meet Requirements:

Advanced Ballet:
Advanced Pointe with Phyllis (GMA): Tuesday 6:30-7:30
Advanced Adult Class (OREM) not a performance class: Wednesday 8:00-9:30
Wednesday 3:45-5:15 8 and pointe (GMA)

Jazz: Advanced Options:
TENTATIVE: Monday 6:45-8:00 (ages 12 and up) GMA: Kassi
TENTATIVE: Tuesday 7:30-8:45 (ages 12+) (GMA)
TENTATIVE: Wednesday Lyrical Jazz: 6:45-7:45 GMA
TENTATIVE: Wednesday Advanced Jazz 7:45-9:00 (ages 13+)

Monday, August 4, 2014

LEHI Studio Schedule 2014-2015: UPDATED September 16

Note: Advanced Evening Classes labelled "TENTATIVE" will NOT be held August 18-22

***The "GMA Studio" is located at 121 East State Street. It is two doors down from Osmond Designs, in the upstairs of the Kung Fu place. (The Kung Fu place has a big sign. It is easy to find.)***

MONDAY GMA Studio Lehi Main Studio Lehi Small Studio



2:30-3:45 Ballet 6/7
(Rqmt: Age 11 by Dec 1) (PHYLLIS)

3 15

Ballet 1 and 2 (Lynne) 
3 30

3 45

4 4:00--6:45 Ballet Utah (PW)

3:45-4:45 Ballet 5 Carrie Wright
R.A.D. (certified instruction and exams)
also meets on Wednesday. Both classes highly encouraged for student registration

4 15

4:30-4:45 Trina's Fast Track 
(Monday/Thursday, bundled with JDC) 
4 30

4:45- 5:30 Ballet 3 and 4 Trina Weeks
Meets 2x weekly

4 45

Fast Track” Trina Weeks
also meets on Thursday 4:30-5:30


Bundle Trina Class and JDC $99
5 15

5:30-6:15 JDC

5 30

5:30-6:15 Ballet 1 and tap (limit 7) (SBD)

5 45


6 15

6:15-7:15 Jazz (ages 11+) 
(Advanced Ruby Level girls)

6 30

6 45 7:00-8:00 ADV Jazz (Kassi) 
(Ballet Utah level girls only)
(ages 15+)

7 Sophia starts class at 7:00, Kassi arrives after Lehi jazz class finishes. 

7 15

TUESDAY GMA Studio Lehi Main Studio Lehi Small Studio



3:45-4:30 Ballet 1 and tap (SBD)


4 15

4 30 4:30-6:45 Ballet Utah (PW)

4:30-5:15 Ballet 2 and 3 (SBD)

4 45

5:15-7:00 RUBY (Leeza)
5:15-5:30 small room (warm up/conditioning)
5:30-5:45 Leaps and turns (big room with KDT. Leeza teaches Ruby SBD teaches KDT)
5:45-7:00 Choreography in big studio
(Girls w/ YW)

5 15

5:15-6:00 KDT (SBD)
5:15-5:30 choreography
5:30-5:45 Leaps and turns
5:45-6:00 tap technique in small room

Ruby 5:15-7:00 (Ages 10-14)
5:00 warm up/stretch/conditioning in little room
5:-5:15 leaps and turns (with KDT or stay in small room)
5:45-7:00 choreography in big room, girls with YW may leave at 6:45.
5 30

5 45

(Ruby ends 7:00)  

6 45 6:30-7:30 Advanced Pointe (PW)
CLASS CANCELLED PER PHYLLIS request.  Lengthening Ballet Utah until 6:45.  


7 15

7 30

WEDNESDAY GMA Studio Lehi Main Studio Lehi Small Studio

10:00-10:45 KinderBallet (LT)
10:45-11:00 tap (LT)
11:00-11:30 PreBallet (LT)


12:30-1:15 Ballet 1 (for Morning Kindergartners) (LT)

3 30 3:45-5:15 Ballet Utah
(Sam Fulk) 

3 45


4-5:00 Ballet 6/7 Carrie Wright
(Ages 11-14)

4 15

4 30 5:15-6:45 Ballet Utah II (Sam Fulk)

4:30-5:00 Pre- Pointe
(for girls in Carrie's 5:00 Ballet 5)
4 45

5:00-6:00 Ballet 5 (ages 9-11) Carrie Wright R.A.D. (certified instruction and exams; 2 years previous instruction req'd)
also meets on Wednesday. Both classes highly encouraged for student registration


5:00-5:30 Prep Pte (from Carries class) 
5 15

5:30-6:15 Ballet 2 and 3
6:00-6:15 big room
5 30

5 45


6:15-7:15 Jazz (ages 8-11) 

6 15

6 30

6 45 6:45-7:45 Lyrical Jazz (ages 11+)


7 15

7 30

7 45 7:45-8:30 Adv Jazz (ages 14+ )
Lyrical Add on for Advanced Dancers
(Sapphire/BU level) 
(see Kassi for approval)


THURSDAY GMA Studio Lehi Main Studio Lehi Small Studio

10:00  (POTENTIAL) PreBallet

10:30-11:10 KinderBallet (Marianne)
11:10-11:30 Tap Connective (Marianne)

3 45


4:00-4:45 Ballet 3 and 4(Lynne)

4 15

4 30

5:00-5:45 Ballet 1 and 2 (Lynne)
5-5:30 small studio
5:30-5:45 main studio
4 45

4:30-5:30 “Fast Track” (Trina Weeks)
(4:30-4:45 in small studio; 4:45-5:30 main studio)
Also meets on Monday
(Bundled class $85 for both if no JDC)


5 15

5 30 5:30-7:00 Ballet 7 and 8
(Advanced Class taught by Sam Fulk) 

5 45

5:45-6:45 BALLET 5 and 6 (Lynne)


6 15

6 30

6 45

6:45-7:15 pointe/prep-pointe
recommended for Ballet 5 and 6

7 7:00 -9:30 SAPPHIRE COMPANY (Kassi Roberts)

7 15

7 30

7 45


8 15

FRIDAY GMA Studio Lehi Main Studio Lehi Small Studio


3 30 3:45-4:45 Ballet Utah II and III
(Sam teaches, Sophia assists/demos)

3 45


4 15

4 30

4 45

4:45-5:15 BU2 in large studio

4:45-5:15 BU3 does prep pointe class 

5 15 5:15-5:45 BU3 in large studio

5:15-5:45 BU2 has option to use small studio
5 30

5 45

5:45-6:30 Jazz
(taught by Sophia) 


6 15

6 30


Saturday Classes for Lehi Studio: 

8-10:30 Various Company Classes
10:30-- 11:00 PreBallet (ages 3-4)
11:00--11:45 Ballet 1 and 2 (ages 5-7)

Company Class Schedule: 

LEHI 2nd week: GMA (Ballet Utah)
4th week: Springville studio (Ballet Utah)
makeup classes for HOLIDAYS
9:00-9:45 Ballet 5-7
9:45-10:30 Ballet 1-4
Saturday September 6: (for Labor Day)
Saturday, November 1: (For Thurs/Fri Thanksgiving)
Saturday January 3 (for Martin L. King Day)
Saturday February 7 (for Presidents Day)

8-10:30 Ruby (meets 1 Sat/mo)
10:30-11:45 Saturday Ballet Classes
8-12:00 Ballet Utah (Springville BU comes North)
12:00-2:00 occasional workshop
7:30-10:30 Sapphire (Kassi)
10:30-11:45 Saturday Ballet Classes

8-10:30 Ballet Utah 2 (meets 1 Sat/mo)
10:30-11:45 Saturday Ballet Classes
Ballet Utah meets in SPRINGVILLE with Ballet Utah-South